Tuesday, December 24, 2019

English Vocabulary Words For All The Govt. Exams

Vocabulary Words For All The Govt. Exams 

Hello friends, welcome back to my new blog. This is the second part of the All The Govt. Exams Vocabulary which is very useful for you all, who are preparing for the exams. So don't miss this precious blog. So let's move forward to our blog post.

English Vocabulary Exams

15 English Vocabulary Words For Exams:-

1. Austere:- औ'स्टिअ(र) adjective

Meaning:- 1. very simple; without decoration, necessary things only.
अति साधारण व सरल; बुना सजीवट का.

2.used about a person who is very strict and serious.
अतिसयंमी, गंभीर और कठोर व्यक्ति.

Synonyms:- severe, strict, rigorous, stern, etc.

Antonyms:- gentle, indulgent, etc.

Example:- My new teacher is very austere.

2. Evade:- (अ'व़ेड्) verb.

Meaning:- 1. to escape from someone or to avoid meeting somebody/something.
किसी से बचना, ताकी उसका सीमना न करना पड़े,  से बच निकलना.

2. to avoid dealing with or doing something.
किसी काम से यी कुछ करने से पिछा छुड़ाना.

Synonyms:- escape, flee, elude, ditch, etc.

Antonyms:- confront, face, expose, etc.

Example:- If you will evade talking to others you will lose your communication skills.

3. Subtle:- (सटल्) adjective.

Meaning:- 1. used about a clever person, who uses the wrong way to achieve something.
घुर्त, चलाक, घुमा फिराकर अपनी बीत कहने वाला.

2. Something which is not very noticeable, not very strong or bright.
सुळ्म, हल्का, बारिक, बहुत गाढ़ी या चमकदार नहीं.

Synonyms:- cunning, clever, sly, ingenious, precise, etc.

Antonyms:- crude, artless, etc.

Example:- They painted the room with subtle color.

4. Impulse:- ('इम्पलस्) noun.

Meaning:- 1. a sudden desire to do something, without thinking about the result.
बिना परिणाम कि फिक्र किए कुछ करने की इच्छा उत्पन्न होना; तीव्र इच्छा.

2. Technically means, a force or movement of energy that causes a reaction.
प्रतिक्रिया उत्‍पन्‍न करने वाली शक्ति या ऊर्जा, क्रियाशील ऊर्जा.

Synonyms:- strong desire, push, provocation, incentive, etc.

Antonyms:- pull, dislike, prevent, etc.

Example:- I have an impulse to do something big.

5. Fatal:- (फे्ट्ल) adjective.

Meaning:- 1. something which causes you or ends up in death.
घातक, जिससे अंत में मृत्यु हो जाए; जानलेवा.

2. Causes you trouble or bad result.
जिसका परिणाम दर्दनिय हो.

Synonyms:- deadly, lethal, devastating, grievous, etc.

Antonyms:- harmless, beneficial, superficial, etc.

Example:- Cancer is a very fatal disease.

6. Assert:- (अ'सट्) verb.

Meaning:- 1. to say something in a clear way and firmly.
स्पष्ट रूप से और बल पूर्वक कुछ कहना; दावा करना.

2. to behave in a determined and confident way to make people listen to you or to get what you want.
दूसरो का ध्यान व आदर पाने के लिए आत्मविश्वास पूर्ण व्यवहार करना; पक्का विश्वास दिलाना.

Synonyms:- declare, claim, affirm, depose, etc.

Antonyms:- deny, contradict, abandon, etc.

Example:- He continued to assert that he is innocent.

7. Phenomenon:- (फ़'नॉमिनन् / fuh-naw-muh-nun) noun.

Meaning:- 1. a fact or an event in nature or society that exists and can be felt, seen, tasted, etc; especially something that is not fully understood.
प्रकृति या समाज में कोई सच्चाई या घटना, जिसे हम देख, महसुस, चख सकते हैं; घटना या तथ्य.

Synonyms:- occurrence, expulsion, event, fact, etc.

Antonyms:- fiction, illusion, normality, etc.

Example:- Gravity is a natural phenomenon.

8. Impose:- (इम्'पोज़्) verb.

Meaning:- 1. to make a law, opinion, rule, etc. be accepted by using our power or authority.
अपनी शक्ति या आधार के बल पर कानून, नियम आदी को मनवाना, थोपना, आरोपित करना.

2. to ask or expect someone to do something that you want that may cause extra work or trouble.
किसी पर काम या परेशानी का अधिक बोझ लादना.

Synonyms:- compel, make, force, necessitate, inflict, enforce, etc.

Antonyms:- solicit, request, etc.

Example:- A good leader does not impose his decision on employees.

9. Trivial:- ('ट्रिविअल) adjective.

Meaning:- 1. of tiny importance or value; not worth considering.
महत्वहीन, मामूली, तुच्छ.

Synonyms:- common, unimportant, useless, paltry, insignificant, etc.

Antonyms:- important, critical, original, significant, etc.

Example:- He showed his inexperience by asking trivial questions.

10. Trait:- (ट्रेट) noun.

Meaning:- 1. a particular quality in someone's character or personality.
किसी व्यक्ति के चरिञ या व्यक्तित्व की विशेषता; विशेषता.

Synonyms:- characteristics, point, attribute, quality, etc.

Antonyms:- demerits, humility, conceit, etc.

Example:- Arrogance is a very unattractive personality/character trait.

11. Spontaneous:- (स्पोन्'टेनिअस्) adjective.

Meaning:- 1. something unplanned or happened impulse, happening naturally and suddenly without any planning.
अचानक किया गया या घटित हुआ, मनमानी; आकस्मिक्.

Synonyms:- impulsive, unplanned, natural, sudden, etc.

Antonyms:- planned, unnatural, intended, etc.

Example:- The crowd gave a spontaneous cheer.

12. Isolate:- ('आइसलेट्) verb.

Meaning:- 1. to keep or put someone/something, detach or separate from other people or things.
किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को किसी अन्य व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं से अलग करना.

Synonyms:- detach, segregate, separate, etc.

Antonyms:- attach, unite, etc.

Example:- Different patients must be isolated in a separate ward.

13. Prospective:- (प्र'सपे्क्टिव्) adjective.

Meaning:- 1. likely to be or become a particular thing, possible.
संभावित, प्रत्याशित, संभव.

2. something that is likely or expected to happen.
किसी चीज के होने कि संभवतः; भावी.

Synonyms:- would be, potential, future, potential, promising, etc.

Antonyms:- past, former, unexpected, etc.

Example:- She is a prospective employee.

14. Insulate:- ('इनस्यूलेट्) verb.

Meaning:- 1. to protect somebody/something from something that might harm them or it.
किसी व्यक्ति या किसी चीज को किसी चीज से बचाना जो उन्हें नुकसान पहुंचा सकती हैं; बचाना.

2. to cover or surround something with a material or substance.
किसी चीज को पदार्थ आदी द्वारा ढकना या घेरना.

Synonyms:- rap, cover, enclose, cushion, etc.

Antonyms:- uncover, integrate, desegregate, etc.

Example:- Electrode is insulated by the flux.

15. Extinct:- (ऐंक्'स्टिड़क्ट्/ ahk'stghkt) adjective.

Meaning:- 1. Used to talk about a type of animal, plant, etc which is no longer existing.
(जानवर व पोधौ की जाती) मरा हुआ; विलुप्त, लुप्तप्रह.

2. Used about a volcano that is no longer active.
निष्क्रिय ज्वालामुखी.

Synonyms:- dead, destroyed, wiped out, etc.

Antonyms:- living, alive, existing, etc.

Example:- Many species of animals have become extinct.

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Category:- Vocabulary, Exams  Tags:- exams vocabulary, bank exam, SSC, Sc, Upsc, ips, exams, vocabulary, English vocabulary, dailyenglishdose, daily English Dose, synonyms and antonyms, extinct, insulate in a sentence

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