Commonly Used Daily Life Sentences:
Hello friends How are you? I hope you all are doing good! Welcome to my new blog and in this lesson mein aapko sikhaunga kucch Commonly Used Daily English Sentences jo aap rojmara ki zindagi mein bolte toh ho lekin unki English nahi jante. So without wasting time let's start.![]() |
Daily Life English Sentences |
1. उसको मत चड़ाओ.
➡ Don't tease him/her.
2. आखिरकार वह तुम्हारा दोस्त है.
➡ After all, he is your friend.
3. मुझे मजबूर मत करों.
➡ Don't compel me.4. अपनी मुट्ठी खोलो.
➡ Unlench your first.
5. मुझे बेवजह परेशान मत करों.
➡ Don't bother me for no reason.
6. वह गाड़ी से गिर गया.
➡ He fell off the bike.
7. उसका एक्सिडेन्ट कब हुआ?
➡ When did he meet with an accident / When did he have an accident.
8. यह बहुत दुखद घटना थी.
➡ It was tragedy.
9. वह दुर्घटना में बाल-बाल बचा.
➡ He narrowly escaped in accident / he had a narrow escape in the accident.
10. मेरा सर घुम रहा है.
➡ My head is spinning.
11. मेरे सामने कुछ परेशानीयाँ आ गई है.
➡ Some problems have arisen in front of me.
12. तुम फालतू में परेशान हो रहे हो.
➡ You are worrying for no reason.
13. काम से जी मत चुराओ.
➡ Don't shirk the work.
14. हमेशा समय के पाबंद रहो.
➡ Always be punctual.
15. तुम्हें क्या परेशान कर रहा है.
➡ What is troubling you.
16. तुम गैर जिम्मेदार हो.
➡ You are irresponsible.
17. यह सब मेरी गलती से हुआ.
➡ It's (it was) all by my mistake.
18. तुम घर के लिए कब निकलोगें.
➡ When will you leave for home?
19. मुझे देर होने का अफसोस है.
➡ I am sorry for being late / Sorry, I got a little late.
20. आराम से बैठ जाओ.
➡ Make yourself comfortable.
21. दूसरों से अच्छा व्यवहार करना सिख लो.
➡ Learn how to behave well with others.
22. आपकी अच्छी सलाह के लिए धन्यवाद.
➡ Thanks for your kind advice.
23. मै अपनी पूरी कोशिश करूँगा.
➡ I will try my best.
24. ज़रा ध्यान दों.
➡ May I have your attention, please.
25. आपके काम में बाधा डालने के लिए मुझे माफ दो.
➡ Forgive me for interrupting your work.
26. क्या आप मुझे कुछ बोलने दोगें?
➡ Will you please let/permit me to speak?
27. तुम्हे ऐसा क्यो लगता है.
➡ Why did you feel so?
28. मुझे माफ कर दो.
➡ Please forgive me.
29. तुम दिन पर दिन बिगड़ते जा रहे हो.
➡ You are getting worse day by day.
30. मुझे थोड़ी देर हो गई.
➡ I got a little bit late.
31. कम्प्यूटर की दुकान 7 बजे तक खुली रहती.
➡ The computer shop remains open by 7.
32. उसने क्या निर्णय लिया.
➡ What has he decided?
33. तुम्हारा कोई हक नहीं है.
➡ You don't have this right.
34. तुम जल्दी क्यो नहीं उठते हो
➡ What don't you wake up early?
35. तुमने इतना जोखिम क्यो उठाया?
➡ Why did you take the risk?
36. क्या में आपका थोड़ा समय ले सकता हूँ?
➡ May I take your few moments?
37. क्या हमें देर हो जाएगी?
➡ Will we be late?
38. मैं तुम्हारे जितना गोरा नहीं हूँ.
➡ I am not as fair as you.
39. यही तो मे सोच रहा था.
➡ That's what I am thinking about.
40. मै अपनी जुबान का पक्का हूँ.
➡ I keep my words / I am a man of my words.
Here we are at the end of this most amazing lesson in which you definitely learn something new, which you can use in your daily life conversations with your friends and siblings and more.
If you really want to speak English start speaking all the sentences I taught you on this website and I can assure you will be able to speak English. Do share this article with your friends and family members.
Category:- Short Sentences Keywords:- daily English sentences, English sentences, Hindi-English sentences, daily use sentences, daily life sentences, daily English, English dose, speak English, dailyenglishdose, short sentences
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