Sunday, May 17, 2020

How to Improve English Vocabulary For Exam | Linking Method

How to Improve English Vocabulary For Exam

Are you searching for How to Improve English Vocabulary For Exams? then you are at the perfect place becoz in this article we will be learning some English vocabulary words by Linking Method Which will definitely improve your Vocabulary for Exams as well as for English Speaking. 

If you want to speak English then you must have perfect knowledge of Vocabulary because without learning New vocabulary words you can't speak English. 

For speaking English you must have more than 2000 Vocabulary words at least for fluent English. So must read this article. Let's start this article. 

Improve English Vocabulary by linking method

20 English Vocabulary by Linking Method:-

1. Stumble (v):- /'स्टमबल्/ लखड़ाकर कर बोलना, ठोकर खाना.

Synonyms:- Slip, stagger, blunder, totter, etc.

Antonyms:- Correct, perfection, continue, etc.

1. He got stumble while taking a catch.

2. Audacious (adj):- /आॉंडेशस्/ निर्भय, साहसी.

Link:- Audi car को धक्का मारते हुए city तक ले जाना साहसी, अक्खड़ काम हैं. 

Synonyms:- impudent, daring, dauntless, resolute, insolent, bold-faced, etc.

Antonyms:- timid, mousy, etc.

1. From any perceptive, it was an audacious idea. 

3. Thrifty (adj):- /'थ्रीफ्टी/ Economical (किफायती).

Trick:- वह three fifty पूरे महीने का खर्च चलाता है, बहुत किफायती हैं.

Synonyms:- Prudent, frugal, economical, forehanded, etc. 

Antonyms:- Charitable, extravagant, lavish, indulgent, etc.

1. They have plenty of money, but still, they are very thrifty. 

4. Arouse (v):- /अ'राउज्/ awake someone (जगाना, उत्तेजित करना). 

Link:- वो रोज अपने भाई को arouse करता है. 

Synonyms:-  Awake, wake up, provoke, stir, etc. 

Antonyms:- Asleep, sleeping, napping, unagitated, etc. 

1. They aroused him against me. 

5. Indomitable (adj):- /इन्'डॉमिटेबल्/ impossible to defeat or frighten (जिन्हें हम जीत या हरा नही सकते).

Trick:- कोई इन्हे dominate नहीं कर सकता.

Synonyms:- Invincible, stubborn, obstinate, unconquerable, etc. 

Antonyms:- beatable, submissive, weak, etc. 

1. He is the man of indomitable spirit. 

6. Astound (v):- /अ'स्टाउनड्/ to amaze or surprise (हक्का-बक्का).
Link:- उसने ऐसे टोन मे बात कि की में हक्का-बक्का रह गया. 

Synonyms:- Amaze, flabbergast, baffle, astonish, etc. 

Antonyms:- Perplex, bewilder, refrain, etc. 

Example:- We got astounded from your dance performance. 

7. Sadistic (adj):- /'सेडिसटिक्/ to hurt someone (कष्ट देना).

Link:- stick से पीटकर sad कर दिया और अब मजा ले रहे हो. 

Synonyms:- atrocious, brutal, cruel, evil, etc. 

Antonyms:- humane, kind, warm, tender, etc. 

1. The principal was a sadistic man who enjoyed tormenting his students. 

8. Abscond (v):- /अब्'सेकोन्ड्/ depart secretly (फरार होना).

Link:- अब कांड करके नीरव मोदी abscond हो गया. 

Synonyms:- bolt, depart, disappear, hide, etc. 

Antonyms:- show, emerge, appear, etc.

1. Many prisoners absconded from jail. 

9. Regicide (n):- /'रेजिसाइड्/ to kill a king (राज-हत्या).

Link:- राजा को मार कर side कर देना regicide रहता है. 

Synonyms:- killer, kingslayer, fratricide, etc. 

Antonyms:- If you now any of it comment down. 

1. Some of the regicides were sentenced to death.

10. Anathema (n):- /अ'नैथ़मा/ something hated (अभिशाप).

Link:- अनाथों की नई माँ उनके लिए वरदान हैं अभिषाप नहीं 

Synonyms:- curse, abomination, execration, abhorrence, etc. 

Antonyms:- love, beloved, sweetheart, Felicity, etc. 

1. Racial prejudice is anathema to me. 

11. Cordon (n):- /'कॉ्र्डन्/ to undersiege (घेरा).

Link:- Don कि car को cordon कर दिया. 

Synonyms:- barrier, barricade, safeguard, etc. 

Antonyms:- release, desegregate, etc. 

1. A cordon of police surrounded the building. 

12. Ashen (adj):- /अशेन्/ पीला पड़ना. 

Link:- Abhishek से शादी होने के बाद ऐश्वर्या ashen हो गई. 

Synonyms:- colorless, faded, bloodless, livid, etc. 

Antonyms:- colorful, nonwoody, etc. 

1. He is thin and her face was ashen. 

13. Shrew (n):- /श्रु/ क्रोधी स्ञी, चिड़़चिड़ा.

Link:- शुरू हो गई गुरु. 

Synonyms:- scold, virago, etc. 

Antonyms:- angel, dove, etc. 

1. He found himself married a vulgar shrew. 

14. Indigent (adj):- /'इन्डिजेन्ट्/ poor (गरीब, दरिद्र). 

Link:- India के gents शादी होते ही indigent बन जाते हैं. 

Synonyms:- destitute, penniless, beggared, poor, etc. 

Antonyms:- affluent, wealthy, rich, etc. 

1. The town government is responsible for assistance to indigent people.

15. Artisan (n):- /आटि'ज़न/ skillful person, especially with hand (कारीगर).

Link:- art की शान ही artisan हैं. 

Synonyms:- builder, craftsman, carpenter, etc. 

Antonyms:- apprentice.

1. The artisan can cut stone into various designs. 

Check out these links for more vocabulary:-

I hope you liked this post and will not forget today's vocabulary words. Share your opinions about this post in the comments section. If you have any query you can ask in comments. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Pronoun Meaning with Example | sikhe free

What Is a Pronoun With Example? 

If you want to Learn English Language for speaking as well as writing then you must have the knowledge of Parts of speech which is the most important part of English Grammar and basics of Grammar but a very big chapter but you don't have to be worried because in this series I will teach you fully about it. 

If you don't know what is basics of English Grammar then below down there is links of it go and check them out first then read this one.

Parts of speech, what is a pronoun give example, english sikhe free, pronoun in grammar, pronoun and its types

Basics of English Grammar:-

Today we are going to learn What is a Pronoun with Examples and this is second part of "Parts of Speech". In first part- 1 we have learned about the 'Noun' and in this part we will learn about Pronoun.

What is meant by Pronoun?

A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns are often used to refer a noun that has been previously mentioned in place of a noun. 

(संज्ञा के बदले आए हुए शब्द के सर्वनाम कहते हैं. सर्वनाम अक्सर संज्ञा का उल्ल्ख करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है जो पहले एक संज्ृा के नाम पर उल्लिखित किया गया हैं.)

Here are some pronouns:- Hesheitsomeone, etc. 

(Note:- We use pronoun to make the sentences less repetitive.)

Let's understand it with these examples:-

1. Amit loves to play cricket and Amit is also fantastic in cricket. 

2. Sheela rides a bike because sheela loves riding.

I know it's not that good in writing as well as in speaking but thanks to the "pronoun".

Now, read these examples, I know it's better then th above:-

1. Amit loves to play cricket and he is also fantastic in it

2. Sheela rides a bike because she loves it.

But that's not enough in pronoun because these are divided into different types that we we will learn in next blog. Let's know what are these with few of them. 

Types of Pronoun:- 

Pronouns are divided into parts:-

1. Personal pronouns. 

There are two types of personal pronouns:-
  • Subject pronouns:- I, you, we, etc. 
  • Object pronouns:- Me, us, you, etc. 

2. Possessive pronouns:- Mine, its, yours, etc. 

3. Relative pronouns:- Whom, who, which, etc. 

4. Reflexive pronouns:- Myself, yourself, himself, etc. 

5. Interrogative pronouns:- Who, which, what, etc. 

6. Demonstrative pronouns:- This, that, these, etc. 

7. Reciprocal pronouns:- Each other, one another, etc.

8. Indefinite pronouns:- Anyone, somebody, whichever, etc. 

So friends, that's it for today. If you want to learn types of pronoun I will elaborate it in next article which will come soon and if you liked this article then do share this with your friends. 

If you want to learn English then do follow our blog here we gives content related to the English language to them who want to learn English writing as well as speaking. Stay home Stay safe. 

  • Parts of speech.
  • pronoun with example.
  • Pronoun in hindi.
  • What is a pronoun give example.
  • Pronoun in grammar.
  • Pronoun and its types.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Advanced English Vocabulary- Difficult Words | Daily English Dose

Advanced English Vocabulary Words:- 

Hello friends welcome to another blog. I hope you all are doing well. Staying at home and being safe. In this article we will learn Difficult English Words in Hindi which will be definitely useful for you, so without any further due let's get started.

Adcanced difficult English Vocabulary Words

20 Difficult English Vocabulary Words in Hindi:-

1. Aphorism (n):- /'ऐफ़रिज़म/ कहावत.

1. There is an aphorism- "Action speaks louder than words".
➡ एक कहावत हैं- "कहना आसान है करना कठिन".

2. Amulet (n):- /'ऐम्युलिट/ ताबीज. 

1. This amulet is made up of copper. 
➡ यह ताबीज़ कंपर की बनाई गई है. 

3. Belligerent (adj):- /ब'लिजरन्ट्लड़ाकू. 

1. She is a belligerent woman. 
➡ वह एक लड़ाकू औरत हैं.

4. Cemetery (n):- /'सेमिटरी/ कब्रिस्तान.

1. They were buried in the cemetery.
➡ उन्हें कब्रिस्तान मे दफनाया गया था.

5. Collusion (n):- /क'लुज़न/ मिलीभगत.

1. There was collusion between the two witnesses.
➡ दोनो गवाहों के बीच मिलीभगत थी. 

6. Erudite (adj):- /'ऐर्युडाइट्ज्ञानी. 

1. He is an erudite professor.
➡ वह एक ज्ञानी/विद्वान प्रोफेसर हैं. 

7. Finicky (adj):- /फिऩिकीनकचढ़ा, संकोची (choosy).

1. He is quite finicky and a little superstitious. 
➡ वह थोड़ा संकोची और अंधविश्वासी हैं.

8. Glimpse (n):- /ग्लिमप्स/ झलक, अधुुरा दृश्य. 

1. He caught a glimpse of her before she vanished into the crowd. 
➡ भीड़ में गायब होने से पहले उनको उसकी एक झलक मिली.

9. Goon (n):- /गून/ गुंडे.

1. He and the other goons started to beat him up. 
➡ उसने और दूसरे गुंडो ने उसके साथ मारपीट शुरू कर दी. 

10. Hearsay (n):- /'हीर्से/ अफवाह.

1. The evidence against them is all hearsay. 
➡ उनके खिलाफ सबूत सभी अफवाह है.

11. Hymn (n):- /हिम्/ भजन. 

1. We sang the hymn with all our hearts. 
➡ हमने पुरे दिल से गाना गाया. 

12. Impotent (adj):- /'इमपोटेन्ट/ नपुंसक. 

1. They say it expresses a woman's impotent desire.
➡ वह कहते हे की यह महिलाओं कि नपुंसक इच्छा को व्यक्त करता है. 

13. Insolent (adj):- /'इनसोलेन्ट्बत्तामीज, ढीठ. 

1. I am fed up with your insolent behavior.
➡ मैं तुम्हारे अभद्र व्यवहार से परेशान हो चुका हुँ. 

14. Insipid (adj):- /इन'सिपिड्/ फिका स्वाद. 

1. You have made an insipid tea. 
➡ तुमने चाय फिकी बनाई हैं. 

15. Meed (n):- /'मीड/ सम्मानपुरस्कार. 

1. He deserves a meed of praise for his dare. 
➡ वह अपनी वीरता के लिए सम्मान का हकदार हैं.

16. Miser (n):- /'माईज़र्/ कंजूस.

1. His father is very miser. 
➡ उसके पापा बहुत कंजूस है.

17. Priest (n):- /प्रीस्ट/ पुजारी. 

1. The priest prayed for the dying man. 
➡ पुजारी ने मरने वाले के लिए प्रार्थना की. 

18. Scarff (n):- /स्काफ़्/ दुपट्टा.

1. She had covered her face with a scarf. 
➡ उसने दुपट्टे से अपना चहरा ढक रखा था. 

19. Strangulate (v):- /'स्ट्रेंगग्युलेट/ गला घोटकर मारना. 

1. She had been strangulated. 
➡ उसका गला घोटा गया था. 

20. Benediction (n):- /बेनि'डिक्शन्) आशीर्वाद. 

1. Take the benedictions from your parents. 
➡ अपने माता-पिता से आशीर्वाद ले लों. 

So, guys, that's it for today. Today we have learned some Difficult English Vocabulary Words. I hope you liked this blog and if you liked it then don't forget to share this article with your friends, family members and who are learning English. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

English बोलना कैसे Start करे? Sentence Structure | Daily English

Start Speaking English Using Sentence Structure 

Do you wanna Speak English? I know your question is How. Don't be afraid of it because in this article I will share Sentence Structures for Speaking English. All the begginers who want to speak English use these sentence patterns to speak English. Let's go for it. 

English bolna shuru kaise kare, English speaking, sentence structure, daily Sentence dose

Do you want to Speak English try it:-

1. Subject + Need/Needs + To + V1 + Otherword.
की जरूरत हैंं. 

(Note:- I, you, we, they + Need/He, she, it, Name + Needs).

1. Suresh needs to come here. 
➡ सुरेश को यहाँ आने की जरूरत हैं. 

2. I need to go there. 
➡ मुझे वहां जाने की जरूरत हैं. 

2. Subject + will/shall + Need to + V1 + Otherword. 
➡ की जरूरत होगी. 

1. He will need to go to India.
➡ उसे भारत जाने की जरूरत होगी. 

2. You will need to go to school. 
➡ तुम्हे स्कूल जाने की जरूरत होगी. 

3. Subject + Would + Like to + V1 + Otherword. 
➡ जाना चाहूंगा. 

1. I would like to come with you. 
➡ मै तुम्हारे साथ जाना चाहूंगा. 

2. We would like to come at party. 
➡ हम पार्टी पर जाना चाहेंगे. 

4. Subject + will/shall + be + able to + V1 + Otherword.

1. I will be able to buy a car. 
➡ में एक कार खरीद पाऊँगा. 

2. I will be able to win this match. 
➡ मे यह मैच जीत पाऊँगा. 

5. Subject + may be + able to + V1 + Otherword. 
हो सकता है..... जा पाऊं. 

1. I may be able to go to abroad. 
➡हो सकता हे कि मे विदेश जा पाऊं. 

2. They may be able to attend the exam. 
➡ हो सकता हे कि वे परीक्षा दे पाए. 

6. Subject + has/have + no + Noun + v1 + Otherword.
कोई....नहीं है.

1. I have no house to live in. 
➡ मेरे पास रहने को कोई घर नहीं है. 

2. She has no money to spend on her. 
➡ उसके पास खुद पर खर्च करने के लिए कोई पैसे नहीं है. 

7. Subject + should have + V3 + Otherword. 
चाहिए था. 

1. You should have gone there.
➡ तुम्हे वहा जाना चाहिए था. 

2. He should have done his homework. 
➡ उसे अपना होमवर्क कर लेना चाहिए था. 

8. Subject + could have + V3 + Otherword. 
सकता था, सकती थी, सकती थे. 

1. We could have won the match.
➡ हम मैच जीत सकते थे. 

2. He could have done this. 
➡ वह यह कर सकता था. 

9. Subject + had better + V1 + Otherword. 
अच्छा होगा, बहतर होगा, सही होगा, ठीक होगा. 

1. You had better done your homework. 
➡ बहतर होगा तुम इंग्लिश में बात करों. 

2. I had better talk in English. 
➡ बहतर होगा में इंग्लिश मे बात करू.

10. Had + Subject + better + V1 + Otherword. 
➡ अच्छा होगा, बहतर होगा, सही होगा, ठीक होगा. 

1. Had I better go there?
➡ क्या सही होगा मेरा वहा जाना? 

2. Had I better awake him? 
➡ क्या सही रहेगा मेरा उसे उठाना?

For more English sentences check out:-

Today we have learned Sentence Structure. By using these sentence structure you can make many English sentences and you can use it in your conversations according to the situation. 

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