Thursday, February 6, 2020

Most Important English Vocabulary Words For SSC, UPSC, BANK, etc.

Hello friends, welcome back to my new blog. This is the third part of the All Exams Vocabulary Words which is very useful for you all, who are preparing for the exams. So don't miss this precious blog. So let's move forward to our blog post.

Vocabulary words for all the govt exams

Important English Vocabulary For All Exams:-

1. Abate (v):- /अ'बेट/ रूकना, कम पड़ना.

Synonyms:- Diminish, come down, lessen, fall, etc.

Antonyms:- Increase, enlarge, enhance, raise, etc.

1. I hope this medicine will abate the pain in my back.

2. Accomplishment (n):- /अ'कम्पलिशमेन्ट/ उपलब्धि, योग्यता.

Synonyms:- Success, skill, triumph, achievement, etc.

Antonyms:- failure, nonachievement, inability, etc.

1. Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try.

3. Commend (v):- /क'मेन्ड/ प्रशंसा करना।

Synonyms:- Extol, mention, admire, laud, praise, etc.

Antonyms:- Denigrate, criticize, blame, etc.

1. We should commend good people.

4. Compensate (v):- /'कॉम्पनसेएट/ इनाम देना, छतिपुर्ति करना.

Synonyms:- Recompense, reimburse, balance, etc.

Antonyms:- Unsettle, upset, forfeit, damage, etc.

1. He got compensation for his loss.

5. Competent (adj):- /कॉम्पिटन्ट्/ कुशल, योग्य।

Synonyms:- Skilled, proficient, experienced, capable, etc.

Antonyms:- Clumsy, incompetent, inept, etc.

1. You are an competent electrician.

6. Decisive (adj):- /डि'साएसिव्/ निर्णयात्मक।

Synonyms:- Vital, important, crucial, influential, etc.

Antonyms:- Insignificant, indecisive, etc.

1. I must take a decisive decision for my career.

7. Deliberate (adj):- /डि'लिबरेट्/  सावधान, समझदार।

Synonyms:- Cautious, thoughtful, careful, measured, intentional, etc.

Antonyms:- Thoughtless, accidental, etc.

1. He seems to be a deliberate person.

8. Device (n):-  /डि'वाइस्/ यंञ।

Synonyms:- Apparatus, contraption, gadget, machine, etc.

Antonyms:- No antonyms.

1. All the devices devised by this company are best.

9. Devise (v):- /डि'वा़इस्/ अविष्कार करना।

Synonyms:- Develop, setup, formulate, plant, invent, etc.

Antonyms:- Improvise, disorganize, etc.

1. She devised her own drone.

10. Dingy (adj):- /'डिनजी/ गंदा, अंधेरा।

Synonyms:- Dirty, shabby, poor, dull, dirty, grim, worn, etc.

Antonyms:- Clean, sparkling, bright, spotless, etc.

1. This shirt is very dingy.

11. Enmity (n):- /'एनमटी्/ दुश्मनी, बैर, शञुताा।

Synonyms:- Hate, antagonism, feeling, disgust, etc.

Antonyms:- Amity, friendship, etc.

1. The enmity between them is getting more worse. 

12. Exempt (n/v):- /इग्'जे़मप्ट्/ मुक्त, स्वतंत्र।

Synonyms:- Excused, excepted, immune, not liable, etc.

Antonyms:- Liable to, subject to, etc.

1. You are exempted from your job.

13. Harmonious (adj):- /हा'मोनिअस्/ शांतिमय।

Synonyms:- Affable, agreeable, cordial, friendly, etc.

Antonyms:- Hostile, unfriendly, discordant, incongruous, etc.

1. I have a harmonious relationship with my girlfriend.

14. Impartial (adj):- /इम्'पाशल्निष्पळ।

Synonyms:- Unblassed, objective, independent, fair, etc.

Antonyms:- Blassed, prejudiced, partisan, etc.

1. He was always impartial in his judgement.

15. Innovation (n):- /इन्'वेशन्/ परिवर्तन।

Synonyms:- Improvement, development, advance, modern, etc.

Antonyms:- Unoriginal, regressive, etc.

1. The innovation deserves encouragement.

16. Intrude (v):- /इन्'ट्रुड/ हस्तछेप करना।

Synonyms:- Interfere, infringe, encroach, break-in, etc.

Antonyms:- Obey, observe, etc.

1. My brother always intrudes on me when I work.

17. Integrity (n):- /इन्'टेग्रटि/ सत्यनिष्ठा, ईमानदारी।

Synonyms:- Uprightness, honour, honesty, reliability, etc.

Antonyms:- Dishonesty, deceit, evil, sin, etc.

1. He is the man of the highest integrity.

18. Refrain (v):- /रि'फ्रेन्/ परहेज करना।

Synonyms:- Cease, avoid, renounce, abstain, forge, etc

Antonyms:- Indulge in, involve, etc.

1. It is difficult for me to refrain from junk food.

19. Spontaneous (adj):- /स्पॉन्'टेनिअस्/ मनमानी, स्वाभाविक, जंगली।

Synonyms:- Impulsive, unplanned, natural, etc.

Antonyms:- Planned, intended, forced, calculated, etc.

1. The eruption of the volcano was spontaneous.

20. Specify (v):- /'स्पेसिफ़ाइ/ स्पष्टीकरण देना।

Synonyms:- List, indicate, identify, state, give, etc.

Antonyms:- Refuse, decline, generalize, etc.

1. She wasn't able to specify when her mother come.

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  Keywords:- exams vocabulary, bank exam, ssc, scl, ips, exams, vocabulary, English vocabulary, dailyenglishdose, daily English Dose, synonyms and antonyms

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