Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Basic English Sentences For Begginers

Hello, guys welcome to my new blog in which I will teach you Basic English Sentences For Beginners which will help you out in daily conversations of life. So without any further due let's start.

Basic english sentences

 40 Basic English Sentences For Daily Use:-

1. क्यो बड़बड़ा रहे हो.
➡ Why are you grumbling!

2. वह तुम्हे नही सताएगा.
➡ He will not persecute you.

3. फिलहाल के लिए रहने दो.
➡ Let it be for the time being.

4. बहकी-बहकी बाते मत करों.
➡ Don't talk absurd things.

5. यह हुई ना बात.
➡ That's the spirit.

6. तुम्हारी छोटी सोच हैं.
➡ You have a cheap mentality.

7. चुप हो जाओ और सुनो.
Hush and listen.

8. हॉर्न मत बजाओ.
➡ Don't honk.

9. पालथी मार कर बैठो.
➡ Sit cross-legged.

10. हार मत मानो.
➡ Don't give up!

11. तुम बड़े चालू हो.
➡ You are extremely cunning/clever.

12. आज का दिन अच्छा था.
➡ It was a nice day today.

13. वह मेरा सगा बेटा हैं.
➡ He is my biological son.

14. इसमें टाइम लग गया.
➡ It took time.

15. बारिश रूकने के बाद हम वापस आ गए.
➡ We came back after the rain stopped.

16. कहना पड़ेगा.
➡ I have to say.

17. अभी भी देर नहीं हुई हैं.
➡ It's never too late.

18. अगर में गलत नहीं हुँ तो.
➡ If I am not mistaken.

19. दिल पर मत लेंना.
➡ Don't take it to your heart.

20. मुद्दे पर आओ.
➡ Come to the point.

21. मानना पड़ेगा.
➡ I have to agree.

22. तुम ऐसा नहीं कर सकते.
➡ You can't do that.

23. परेशान करने के लिए माफ करना.
➡ Sorry to bother you.

24. तुरंत जाओ.
➡ Go at once.

25. हाँ, क्यो नहीं.
➡ Sure, why not.

26. ध्यान से देखों.
➡ Look carefully.

27. नज़दीक से देखो.
➡ Look closely.

28. सच कहुँ तो.
➡ To be honest/Frankly speaking.

29. इसमे कोई शक नहीं है.
➡ There is no denying/doubt.

30. मुझे कुछ पुछना है.
➡ I want to ask something/I have a question.

31. मुझे कुछ कहना हैं.
➡ I want to say something.

32. तो क्या हुआ?
➡ So what?

33. सब कुछ ठीक होगा.
➡ Everything will be fine.

34. सब ठीक हैं.
➡ All is well.

35. क्या मैने तुम्हें सही समझा?
➡ Did I get you right?

36. कैसे आना हुआ?
➡ What brings you here?

37. ज़रा मदद करना.
➡ Please give me a hand.

38. क्या हो गया तुम्हारा काम?
➡ Are you done?

39. यह कैसा रहेगा?
➡ How does that sound?

40. तुमने चाय फिकी बनाई हैं.
➡ You have made insipid tea.

That's all for today I hope you loved this blog and have learned definitely something new. Now use these sentences in your daily life conversations. Don't forget to share it with your friends and family.

Category:- Short Sentences  Tags:- daily English sentences, English sentences, Hindi-English sentences, daily use sentences, daily life sentences, daily English, English dose, speak English, dailyenglishdose, short sentences 

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