How to Improve English Vocabulary For Exam
Are you searching for How to Improve English Vocabulary For Exams? then you are at the perfect place becoz in this article we will be learning some English vocabulary words by Linking Method Which will definitely improve your Vocabulary for Exams as well as for English Speaking.
If you want to speak English then you must have perfect knowledge of Vocabulary because without learning New vocabulary words you can't speak English.
For speaking English you must have more than 2000 Vocabulary words at least for fluent English. So must read this article. Let's start this article.
20 English Vocabulary by Linking Method:-
1. Stumble (v):- /'स्टमबल्/ लखड़ाकर कर बोलना, ठोकर खाना.
Synonyms:- Slip, stagger, blunder, totter, etc.
Antonyms:- Correct, perfection, continue, etc.
1. He got stumble while taking a catch.
Synonyms:- Slip, stagger, blunder, totter, etc.
Antonyms:- Correct, perfection, continue, etc.
1. He got stumble while taking a catch.
2. Audacious (adj):- /आॉंडेशस्/ निर्भय, साहसी.
Link:- Audi car को धक्का मारते हुए city तक ले जाना साहसी, अक्खड़ काम हैं.
Synonyms:- impudent, daring, dauntless, resolute, insolent, bold-faced, etc.
Antonyms:- timid, mousy, etc.
Antonyms:- timid, mousy, etc.
1. From any perceptive, it was an audacious idea.
3. Thrifty (adj):- /'थ्रीफ्टी/ Economical (किफायती).
Trick:- वह three fifty पूरे महीने का खर्च चलाता है, बहुत किफायती हैं.
Synonyms:- Prudent, frugal, economical, forehanded, etc.
Antonyms:- Charitable, extravagant, lavish, indulgent, etc.
1. They have plenty of money, but still, they are very thrifty.
4. Arouse (v):- /अ'राउज्/ awake someone (जगाना, उत्तेजित करना).
Link:- वो रोज अपने भाई को arouse करता है.
Synonyms:- Awake, wake up, provoke, stir, etc.
Antonyms:- Asleep, sleeping, napping, unagitated, etc.
1. They aroused him against me.
5. Indomitable (adj):- /इन्'डॉमिटेबल्/ impossible to defeat or frighten (जिन्हें हम जीत या हरा नही सकते).
Trick:- कोई इन्हे dominate नहीं कर सकता.
Synonyms:- Invincible, stubborn, obstinate, unconquerable, etc.
Antonyms:- beatable, submissive, weak, etc.
1. He is the man of indomitable spirit.
6. Astound (v):- /अ'स्टाउनड्/ to amaze or surprise (हक्का-बक्का).
Link:- उसने ऐसे टोन मे बात कि की में हक्का-बक्का रह गया.
Synonyms:- Amaze, flabbergast, baffle, astonish, etc.
Antonyms:- Perplex, bewilder, refrain, etc.
Example:- We got astounded from your dance performance.
7. Sadistic (adj):- /'सेडिसटिक्/ to hurt someone (कष्ट देना).
Link:- stick से पीटकर sad कर दिया और अब मजा ले रहे हो.
Synonyms:- atrocious, brutal, cruel, evil, etc.
Antonyms:- humane, kind, warm, tender, etc.
1. The principal was a sadistic man who enjoyed tormenting his students.
8. Abscond (v):- /अब्'सेकोन्ड्/ depart secretly (फरार होना).
Link:- अब कांड करके नीरव मोदी abscond हो गया.
Synonyms:- bolt, depart, disappear, hide, etc.
Antonyms:- show, emerge, appear, etc.
1. Many prisoners absconded from jail.
9. Regicide (n):- /'रेजिसाइड्/ to kill a king (राज-हत्या).
Link:- राजा को मार कर side कर देना regicide रहता है.
Synonyms:- killer, kingslayer, fratricide, etc.
Antonyms:- If you now any of it comment down.
1. Some of the regicides were sentenced to death.
10. Anathema (n):- /अ'नैथ़मा/ something hated (अभिशाप).
Link:- अनाथों की नई माँ उनके लिए वरदान हैं अभिषाप नहीं
Synonyms:- curse, abomination, execration, abhorrence, etc.
Antonyms:- love, beloved, sweetheart, Felicity, etc.
1. Racial prejudice is anathema to me.
11. Cordon (n):- /'कॉ्र्डन्/ to undersiege (घेरा).
Link:- Don कि car को cordon कर दिया.
Synonyms:- barrier, barricade, safeguard, etc.
Antonyms:- release, desegregate, etc.
1. A cordon of police surrounded the building.
12. Ashen (adj):- /अशेन्/ पीला पड़ना.
Link:- Abhishek से शादी होने के बाद ऐश्वर्या ashen हो गई.
Synonyms:- colorless, faded, bloodless, livid, etc.
Antonyms:- colorful, nonwoody, etc.
1. He is thin and her face was ashen.
13. Shrew (n):- /श्रु/ क्रोधी स्ञी, चिड़़चिड़ा.
Link:- शुरू हो गई गुरु.
Synonyms:- scold, virago, etc.
Antonyms:- angel, dove, etc.
1. He found himself married a vulgar shrew.
14. Indigent (adj):- /'इन्डिजेन्ट्/ poor (गरीब, दरिद्र).
Link:- India के gents शादी होते ही indigent बन जाते हैं.
Synonyms:- destitute, penniless, beggared, poor, etc.
Antonyms:- affluent, wealthy, rich, etc.
1. The town government is responsible for assistance to indigent people.
15. Artisan (n):- /आटि'ज़न/ skillful person, especially with hand (कारीगर).
Link:- art की शान ही artisan हैं.
Synonyms:- builder, craftsman, carpenter, etc.
Antonyms:- apprentice.
1. The artisan can cut stone into various designs.
Check out these links for more vocabulary:-
- English vocabulary for all the govt. Exams.
- Important English vocabulary words.
- Learn English vocabulary Exams.
I hope you liked this post and will not forget today's vocabulary words. Share your opinions about this post in the comments section. If you have any query you can ask in comments.
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